News - Not one,
not two, but three PCI implementations! Product
Watch - What�s coming, and what should
already be here? Rants
& Raves - Would you buy a Zaurus? We
have our own views. Active
Gamer - Planet Zed, a 16-bit shoot-em-
up for the AmigaDE. Interactive
- After a quick lick of paint, everything�s
back to normal. Guru
- The AmigaOne beginning to feature prominently.
Online - The Internet
is about more than the web and e-mail. Back
Page - Brought to you this month by the
letters �R� and �J�.
Sound FX
- The little-known audio package with some big
ideas... but can it hold its own against packages
on other platforms? PlexWriter
- Astonishingly, a 16x CD re-writer from Plextor.
They�ll be telling us we can write a full CD
in under sixty seconds next month... WinUAE
JIT - Has the �Unusable Amiga Emulator�
finally become usable? We take a good look,
and find we might be just in time... NextGen
Watch - Half a gigabyte of storage on
a disc no bigger than a coin? Maybe it�s true:
the best things really do come in small packages.
Shareware - We�re
on a role this month. It�s bootiful, it really
is. Active Media
- Read books and browse the web, After Earth.
Shogo: MAD - You�re
a tad upset. Well, you would be, wouldn�t you!
User Groups - Amiga
user groups are playing an increasingly important
role in the community these days. But what goes
on in the shadowy underworld of user groups?
We explore and discover. Bluffer�s
Guide - The second part of our Bluffer�s
Guide to the Future takes in terms from Memory
Protection to Zaurus, exploring some pretty
wacky concepts along the way. Mini
Masterclass - Multi-session CDs - how
and why? Well, it�s easy if you know how; but
not very easy if you don�t. Makes sense, doesn�t
it? We show you how to burn those discs properly.
Photogenics - In
the first part of a new Masterclass, we look
at combining drawn and photographic elements
into a single image. OS3.9
- We give you some further tips on improving
the look of your Workbench for the Summer, and
show you how easy it is to wire yourself up
to the world with the latest AmigaOS.